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Granite Headstones or Flat Markers? Which Should You Choose?

WSI ALM • Jan 04, 2024

At Larsen's Memorials, we're dedicated to helping you find the perfect memorial to honour a loved one. One question we often hear is whether it's better to choose an upright granite headstone or use a flat granite marker. Both can be wonderful ways of showing your love to someone who's passed, and they each have their own advantages or disadvantages.

So, let's take a look at your options.

I. Flat Markers

Flat markers are typically made of granite, due to its beauty and durability. They go at the head of the grave, and can be used to mark both a single grave or multiple people - such as honored a passed couple together.

Flat markers are typically the least expensive form of headstone, while still looking beautiful. They also require less care and maintenance than other memorials.

However, their big drawback is that they cannot be seen from a distance. One must be standing directly over them to read the text. In addition, they typically have less space for text or embellishments than other forms of memorial.

II. Upright Headstones

Upright granite headstones are the 'standard' type of memorial and are almost always placed on a raised base for extra stability. This makes them more expensive, as they involve more stone than a flat marker, but it also gives them more room for text, messages, or etched artwork. In some cases, you can even add more text to the backside of the stone.

Upright headstones are also far more visible, making it easier for people to find the grave. However, they will require a bit more care and maintenance.

There's also a third option that people sometimes overlook.

III. Slant Markers

Slant markers are a compromise between flat and upright headstones, putting the memorial on a granite stone which is placed at an angle. They typically sit on a foundation, like an upright stone, but have less surface area more like a flat marker.

Both the price and level of maintenance are in between upright and flat models, making them a good all-around compromise. We often recommend slant markers to people who are having difficulty choosing between the other two options.

Larsen's Memorials is Here to Help

We know that our customers are coming to us during very difficult times in their lives, and we have dedicated ourselves to helping make the process as easy as possible. We offer some of the highest-quality granite memorials in the Winnipeg area, with exceptional craftsmanship and always fair pricing.

No matter your situation or budget, we'll work with you to find a great memorial to honour your loved ones. If you need help of any kind, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

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